Monday, August 22, 2011




I had been noticing that my brother Riaz has been coming home daily very late. This had been going on for some time, so I decided to day up till the time he came home and ask hi. When he returned late again that day. I was waiting for him. When I asked him why he was so late and where he had been , he did not answer my questions. Instead he made a face and wet off to his room. I felt very hurt at hit s attitude and couldn't sleet the whole night.


Next day, when Riaz came late again, I was waiting for him but did not ask my questions. This must have troubled him and he must have reailised that I was very upset. He asked me what was wrong and why I was so quite. Then I told him that he was being very irresponsible by coming home late every day. It was obvious that he has got into some bad company, which keep him busy till late each night. In fact, he was so busy that he had forgotten all about his family and responsibilities home. Beside, it cannot be good for his health or future.


The little lecture seemed to have done the trick. Riaz felt very bad that he had been behaving in such an irresponsible way. He promised never to be late again and to spend more time at home.


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