One Click Profit

Tuesday, June 28, 2011




            God has created men and women. The said conductor, with whom I had the misfortune of traveling. Was a fussy one and made the life of passengers miserable, whenever he could.


            I boarded a lightly over-crowded bus. Men, women and children stood near the conductor for tickets. He was shouting at them, particularly the weaker passengers where he expected no retaliation for minor things. Suddenly he stopped issuing ticket and refused to accept the one rupee note, as it was slightly soiled. The passenger did not have another note, and he was not willing to either travel without ticket or get down. To break the impasse, I exchanged the note and the process of issuing the ticket resumed.


            Intermittently, he was almost shouting at the passengers to move forward, and threatened to stop the bus, making everyone quite uncomfortable.


            Suddenly he noticed a passenger who was smoking. He almost pounced on that man and wanted him to through his cigarette. The passenger was not the one to be easily cowed down. The argued that 'no smoking' applied to the front and sitting portion of the bus only and not to the rear position. The argument continued. While many passengers waited for tickets. Some of whom were nearing their destinations, grew restless and had joined in. At last the altercation ended only when the smoker passenger had enjoyed the last puff.


            By the same time, the bus reached to my destination and I alighted with a prayer that God may give the bus conductor some good sense

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